What is BDSM?

Have you heard about BDSM/Bondage? What does the acronym BDSM mean? The term “BDSM” comes from its abbreviations from the words: Bondage , Domination Discipline Submission and Masochism. This means slavery, domination, discipline, submission and masochism. It is a kind of role play, where there is one person who dominates another. It also involves ties, gagging, and a certain level of pain. If you are interested, you can try this with one of the many Callgirls Dusseldorf. It would be a good experience.

BDSM Practices

This series of practices have been very "fashionable" lately, due to the boom of 50 Shades of Gray that, as much as we want to deny it, we all know the saga. BDSM/Bondage has gotten really popular lately and you can even pay someone to do it with.

BDSM Is not easy

However, it is not as easy as it seems, because a moment of loss of concentration can result in a great catastrophe. If you want to avoid this, I recommend this article about 3 perfect Gananci concentration exercises . I guarantee that they will help you as much in this as in any other area of ​​your life.
Keep in mind that not only concentration is important. If you do not know how to do it safely, you can not guarantee that both parties enjoy the meeting. It is something quite delicate but it can be infinitely pleasurable.
In this article I bring you a few tips to perform this practice safely and pleasantly, whether you want to join this new service or just want to visit.

Stay tuned

You must be aware at all times to the needs of you and your partner . If you feel that someone is having complications, stop and ask if it is okay.
A good idea is to establish a keyword or signal, which can be any, to give the couple to understand that they want to stop or go more calmly. Acquire the necessary clothing. You can always improvise with what you have at home, but the idea of ​​this practice is also to experiment. And the truth is that in this world there are many accessories that you can use to complement the practice. Anal plugs, nipple clamps, harnesses, whips, balls, dildos , handcuffs and even suits. The possibilities are endless. Establish what is going to be done.
This may seem to take away the magic, but it is important. So everyone can add or subtract practices, and stick to the agreed upon. Then talk about it, what they liked and if something can be improved.

Be careful with whipping

Try to be in the most fleshy areas of the body. They can be in the back, thighs, or towards the middle of the back. Other places where the bone is directly can be risky.

Prepare an emergency kit

Something can always go wrong. So have a medicine cabinet with alcohol, gauze, cotton, bandits and everything you think might be necessary. It is also good that both have notions of first aid.

Start with care

It is important that the submissive get used to the pain or sensation he is experiencing. Then the intensity goes up little by little. So there is time to say if it is too much or to prepare for the next level.
If you want to give BDSM a try, you can call in Escort agency in Dusseldorf and book for an escort to see how it goes.