Where does that human passion, almost always masculine, come from, through the extremities of people? Why, being so unattractive, do the feet receive so much attention from erotomaniacs? How is that fetish extended to other neighboring elements such as high-heeled shoes and stockings? We seem attractive or aberrant, the attraction for the feet is a drive that has motivated onanists and artists alike even Callgirls Dusseldorf. This article will explain to you all you need to know about the erotic love for feet.
Foot Fetishism
For those of us who like feet, it is reassuring to know that it is one of the most common fetishisms in men, although in women there is hardly any data on such predilection. However, foot fetishism as it is known in a strict mode can hardly be called a fetish (as this mainly includes the taste for inanimate objects). Rather, it is a “fetish”: that is the name for action by which we extract pleasure from symbolically reducing the human body to only one of its parts.
The exciting thing about the subject is that we still do not know very well why this particular partialism occurs so often or what its origin is. There are some crazy hypotheses Freudian (the typical substitution or reminiscence of the penis through the foot, as well as the fear of castration as a motor of deviation towards that fetish) to some more fun: for example, it is said that probably a bare foot it excites because we are not used to seeing it without its shoe, as we are excited by the vision of human areas traditionally covered in public; or that is even inciting because it reminds us of our ancestral mating instinct, in which the foot is usually at the same height as the genital area of the person lying down, receiving us for intercourse.