5 basic tips for handjobs

Handjobs are a basic sexual skill that every girl needs to know. Manual stimulation is a basic that girls must master. It is not always a simple game, if you do it right, the handjob can be the main course and leave your man totally satisfied, so take note of these techniques to give him pleasure with your hands. If you hire callgirls in Dusseldorf, then they will definitely know the best handjob techniques there are. If you want to give a twist to the classic style, here we share our 5 favorite techniques of masturbation, so you will be surprised next time.

Rotate and slide

This is very easy to perform and promises a lot of pleasure. While holding his limb with one hand, with the other he caresses his glans in a circular motion and lets that hand slide down the length of his penis to the base. As soon as you begin to lower hand one, raise hand two towards the tip and repeat the same movement of turning and sliding. Keep doing it slowly and smoothly, you will love it!

Do not limit yourself to the hands

You can integrate other parts of your body like the mouth or the breasts into the game. It is not about changing the handjob by oral sex or a “Russian”, but while working with your hands you can play a little with your lips and tongue, or let your member rub your boobs to explode with pleasure. You can ask an escort in Dusseldorf to vary what kind of handjob that they give to you so that you can get the most pleasure out of it.

The pearl necklace

Sometimes it is convenient to include other elements to give new sensations. One of the most effective are the necklaces of round beads, like pearls. They can be part of your sexy outfit and, at the right moment, you roll it along with your penis and start the “up and down” as usual, the cold and the texture will drive you crazy! A lot of the hookers in Dusseldorf know how to use the right props to give their men the best pleasure there is.

Focus on your most sensitive point

In a study published in WebMD it was concluded that the most erogenous zone for men was the lower part of the glans and the lower part of the shaft of the penis, so focus your caresses on these areas full of nerve endings, but do it smoothly and carefully, because it is very sensitive.

Vary the pace

Many of us have the idea that the faster the movement, the more pleasure we will give our partner. The reality is that everything depends on the man in question, some prefer it fast and others slower. To find out your boy’s style, you must vary the speed and identify the signs of which one you like best, or ask him directly. Even so, the small variations of rhythm and intensity give you different sensations that can accelerate your arrival to orgasm.