The easiest way for your partner to catch you is by checking the movements of the credit card. If you see charges in hotels and restaurants where you have not been, you will be alert, so please pay in cash. And, of course, get rid of the bills. Hiring call girls Dusseldorf, allows you to minimize the suspicious of having a mistress
Also, do not be foolish enough to navigate through contact pages without deleting the history. At the slightest suspicion that she has the first thing she will do is spy on your computer, so no compromising emails or proof that you’re looking for a topic online.
Control your communications
In addition to the computer, the mobile is another of your vulnerabilities, so get a different one for your amorous escapades. Of course, with a prepaid card. And under no circumstances allow her to know of your existence. If you take it with you, keep it always in silent mode, but much better if you leave it at work.
In the event that she sends you messages or calls you at your usual telephone, always delete them just after receiving them or ending your conversation with her. And if you have your lover in your contact book, make sure you keep his number with a male name.
Do not take your lover to your house
It is inevitable that she will end up leaving traces, so why risk it? Take her to a hotel, and let her arrive in her own vehicle or in a taxi. Better yet if you do not repeat in the same place every time. You could have a mistress hired from a Dusseldorf escort agency so that they can go to your hotel.